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Pastor Willie Matos sitting at a table with Bible and water


Lead Pastor

Originally from Southern California, Willie has been in ministry for over 30 years in 9 different states, including Alaska. He and his wife Beverly, along with their three children, moved to Richmond from Central Florida in June of 2017.

Willie studied at Westmont College and Alliance Theological Seminary and has traveled to Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. Not only has Willie been involved in church work, he has worked in higher education, the transportation, financial, and restaurant/entertainment industries.

His passions are developing leaders, studying history, and spending time with his family. Besides being serious about his coffee, Willie enjoys traveling (anytime, anyplace, for any reason), going on adventures in the outdoors, touring historical sites and art museums, listening to jazz, reading biographies, and watching college football.

Associate Pastor Carlton Edwards sitting at a desk


Associate Pastor

Carlton served as the founding pastor of Bethel Temple Living Water Ministries in Chester, Virginia, for several years. In addition, he has served as a volunteer chaplain with the Virginia Department of Corrections for more than 25 years, ministering to inmates in minimum-and-maximum security prisons as well as in city and county jails.  His main passion is teaching. He has a master’s degree and a Ph.D. in communication
from Regent University, and has spent nearly 30 years in higher education. He currently serves as a tenured professor of mass media at Virginia State University.

Carlton is happily married, has two adult children, and loves spending time with his family. He also enjoys sports, reading, and traveling. In accordance with Matthew 5:19, he has committed himself to living by the principles contained in God’s word and teaching them to others. The heart of Carlton’s ministry is helping people understand, and apply to their lives, the spiritual truths contained in the Bible.

Kathie Szewczyk profile photo


Church Administrator

A native of Buffalo, NY and resident of Richmond since 2000, Kathie has been the West End Church Administrator since 2005. Her background is in retail, business, and banking.  


Kathie and her husband, Steve, have two adult children, two grandsons, and five grand-furbabies. In her free time, Kathie enjoys attending the Richmond Celtic Festival (in full Scottish garb) and "working the land" in their new country home. Other interests include a broad range of reading and musical genres.


She and her family are avid Buffalo Bills and Buffalo Sabres fans. Even when Kathie's teams are losing, her ever-hopeful response is, “wait'll next year!”

Shari McRae, Worship Arts Director and Women's Group Leader


Worship Arts Director / Women's Group Leader

Shari has been leading worship, as well as initiating and coordinating a variety of other ministries at West End Church, since 1999. She earned her undergraduate degree in psychology from Taylor University and her M.A. in Counseling Psychology from Ball State University.


Shari worked extensively in the mental health field before her unexpected career change toward music ministry. In 2015, Shari recorded her first CD project at Yackland Studios in Nashville, TN called “Deeper." Shari has also spoken at many women’s events nationally and internationally.


She has three amazing kids and seven impossibly beautiful grandchildren. In her spare time, Shari enjoys hanging out with her husband Walter, eating pizza, and playing with their two 90-lbs dogs.

Tera Holland, Children's and Missions staff member


Children's Ministry / Missions

A native of Central Florida, Tera moved to Richmond with her young family in the Fall of 2003, two weeks before Hurricane Isabel hit. In spite of the crazy weather, she fell in love with Virginia and decided to stay.


Tera is a graduate of the University of Central Florida with a bachelor's degree in Journalism Advertising/Public Relations. In the years since, Tera has run a small private preschool, volunteered as a Girl Scout troop leader for 13 years, managed a school of the arts, become an accidental restaurant owner, and raised two amazing daughters. 


Tera’s heart for kids and missions has led her to serve on short term mission trips to Haiti, Romania, and Costa Rica. Her passport and bag are always ready for traveling.

If she has any free time, Tera can be found searching for the best guacamole, hunting for vintage treasures and giving new life to old furniture, or chasing after her energetic toddler granddaughter.

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